Woodley Grange’s first campfire evening was a roaring success

On Thursday 14th July, we held our first ever campfire evening at Woodley Grange and we were delighted that the 3rd Romsey Cubs were able to come along and share the experience with us!

It was such a memorable evening, the campfire was burning and we took it in turns to sing our favourite songs.

We sang classics like ‘On Ilkley Moor Bar T’at’ and ‘I’m ‘Enery the Eighth, I Am’ to the Cubs and they sang ‘Alice the Camel’, ‘Animal Fair’ and the ‘Pirate Song’ to us. We then sang a rousing rendition of the ‘Hokey Cokey’ altogether. It was fantastic that the community and generations could come together!

It was also a great chance for our residents to reminisce. One of our residents Sheila said: “It took me right back to when mine were kiddies.”

Some of our residents remembered being in the Brownies and Guides and were quite surprised that there were girls, as well as boys in Cubs these days. Ann added: “It was marvellous!”

The evening ended in celebration, as the residents watched one of the boys being invested into the Cubs. It was such a special ceremony and lovely that we could be part of it.

Woodley Grange’s Manager, Liliana Macieira, wanted to say: “A big thank you to the 3rd Romsey Cubs. The residents were delighted they were able to share the experience with you. Please come again soon!”

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