Celebrating special moments from lockdown

The last six months have undoubtedly been hard for everyone. However, despite the challenges, we witnessed a tremendous sense of community in our Homes.

With Woodley Grange and Barton Lodge sadly closing their doors to visitors and outside entertainers in March, our amazing team rallied together to find creative ways to keep residents entertained and lift spirits during lockdown.

Here are just some of our highlights and special moments:

‘Bringing you sunshine’

One of the hardest elements of life on lockdown is not being able to gather with family and friends. To put a smile on everyone’s faces during such a difficult time, residents helped create this special video based on the lyrics of a favourite tune.

Easter celebrations

Although residents couldn’t celebrate Easter with family members, they still enjoyed a whole host of fun Easter-themed activities. Modelling their beautiful Easter bonnets was a particular favourite!

VE Day singalong          

Union Jack flags were in abundance in May as residents and staff enjoyed a travelling VE Day singalong to their rooms, accompanied by a trolley filled with nostalgic food, including lemonade and ginger beer!

Edna entertains

Edna, one of our residents at Barton Lodge, became our very own entertainer for the afternoon and treated us to this lovely rendition of ‘We’ll Meet Again’. The song really summed up how we all were feeling!

Advice for the next generation

One of the best advantages of getting older is that you also get wiser! With communication moving online during lockdown, we asked our residents to share some online messages with advice for the younger generation.

Al fresco activities

We were blessed with some wonderful weather during lockdown, which means our residents could spend lots of time enjoying our gardens. From exercise classes and dancing outside to mocktails on the terrace, our beautiful grounds at Barton Lodge and Woodley Grange became a little sanctuary.

Eddies herb garden

Eddies herb garden at Barton Lodge has been a big success this summer! It is well known that herbs benefit our health and well-being and can be used in a variety of ways. The residents have enjoyed getting to touch, feel and smell the wonderful herbs harvested. Eddie has been doing a grand job of keeping them watered and pest free.

To find out more about life at our Homes, follow Barton Lodge and Woodley Grange on Facebook.